الحقوق محفوظة لأصحابها
Abdul Nasir Jangda is the founder and director of Qalam Institute.
He was born and raised in the Dallas area. At the age of 10 he went to Karachi, Pakistan to memorize the Quran. He excelled in his memorization and committed the entire Quran to memory in less than 1 year. He then returned home and continued his school education. After graduating from High School, he went back to Karachi to study the Alim Course at Jamia Binoria. He graduated from the rigorous 7 year program in 2002 at the (...)Abdul Nasir Jangda
(لم يتم تفريغ نص هذه الحلقة بعد.)Abdul Nasir Jangda
(لم يتم تفريغ نص هذه الحلقة بعد.)Abdul Nasir Jangda